13 research outputs found


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    The study of the duration of mechanical resistance to static tensile stress (withstand time) for an aluminum wire that being suffers from the corrosion effect stimulated by stray currents at different temperatures. Test device was designed and produced locally "in advance" in accordance with the specification (ASTM G103 - 97) to create static tensile stress of (1 N) on an aluminum wire of type ASTM (B231/B231M) with particular dimensions and utilized in the transmission of electrical energy, and when the wire is surrounded by a corrosive environment (NaCl solution) (3.5 % NaCl) at three different temperatures (25, 50, and 75 ° C) without any external electrical current causing corrosion; this symbolizes stray currents. Then compare the findings of that example to the results of the same wire's withstand time in the presence of an external electrical current generated by corrosion of type (D.C) by (5V & 3A).Following that, the resulting diagrams were analyzed, and it was discovered that the wire resistivity time (without the existence of stray currents and at a temperature of 25 ° C) completed (17 days), which is the longest duration of endure, and the lowest time of resistivity or resistance period (in the existence of an external electric current) is (18 hr.).Impact of (stray currents) at (75 ° C), and this is an indicator of the stray currents with corrosive environment temperatures on the resistance period (withstand duration) in the existence of static stress. The total stimulation increase is 1.9% between corrosion at 75°C and 25°C

    Robust approaches for face recognition

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    This thesis gave answers to a number of important questions regarding face classification. Via this research, new methods were introduced to represent four facial attributes (three of them related to the demographic information of the human face: gender, age and race) and the fourth one related to facial expression. It stated that, discriminative facial features regarding to demographic information (gender, age and race) and expression information can be obtained by applying texture analysis techniques to the polar raster sampled images. In addition, it is found that, multi-label classification (MLC) is more suitable in the real world as a human face can be associated with multiple labels

    A Prospective Study of Thrombocytopenia in all Trimesters of Pregnant Women in Baquba City in Iraq

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    Background: In pregnancy there is decrease in platelet count mainly in late stage, which is normal physiological phenomena in third  trimester, thrombocytopenia is a second common hematological condition affecting pregnant women after anaemia, unless its severe, otherwise it require no treatment. Objective: To estimate and evaluate the platelet count during different trimester of pregnancy, with presence or absence of thrombocytopenia. Patients and Methods: Platelet count was performed on pregnant women   attending Al-Batool Teaching Hospital for Maternity and Paediatric in Baquba - Diyala, and  some private clinic and laboratories  in Baquba, during the period from March 2013 to November 2015 . Ninety pregnant women were included in the study groupand thirtyhealthy non pregnant women as control group. Platelets count were done for them using automated hematology auto-analysers ABX-Horiba Micros 60, and  comparison in platelets counts done between study group and control group and between different trimesters of pregnancy. Results: Platelet count were lower  in pregnancy with range (57-399) in compared  with control group with range  (166-399), and its lower in third trimester mean(208.69) in compared with other trimesters (first and second with mean 262.96 , 261.56 respectively) and the differences were statistically significant p < 0.001. Conclusion: In this study we find a mild thrombocytopenia during pregnancy especially in third trimester, but this  had no effect on mother, fetus and may not cause  bleeding complication of delivery, which need only monthly follow up

    New CPW-Fed Broadband Circularly Polarized Planar Monopole Antenna Based On A Couple Of Linked Symmetric Square Patches

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    A new broadband circularly polarized planar monopole antenna with coplanar waveguide feeding (CPW-fed) is proposed. This antenna consists of a couple of linked symmetric square patches (CLSSP), an asymmetric ground plane and two strips connected to the left ground plane by the CLSSP radiator and a straight strip. A broad impedance bandwidth (IBW) is achieved. Moreover, a broad axial ratio bandwidth (ARBW) is obtained by using an asymmetric ground plane and an inverted L-shaped strip. Simulation results demonstrate that IBW reaches 119% (1.56-6.18 GHz) and ARBW is 88.9% (2-5.2 GHz). The latter is completely overlapped by the simulated IBW. In addition, antenna performance is investigated by studying different parameters

    Design Of Helical Antenna For Next Generation Wireless Communication

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    This study proposes a novel helical antenna design for next generation applications. The strip helical antenna is prescribed for next generation wireless communication and wideband applications that offer circular polarization and a wide bandwidth. In fact, the proposed helical antenna suits 5.8 GHz frequency by using Teflon material. The newly-designed strip was printed on a substrate and rolled into a helix shape to achieve circular polarization without impedance matching. This antenna is meant for wideband wireless communication applications. A wide bandwidth of 2.7 GHz with 5.8 GHz resonant frequency was attained through the use of helical antenna on Teflon substrate. The proposed antenna on Teflon substrate recorded a gain of 8.97 dB and 92% efficiency. The antenna design parameters and the simulated results were retrieved using Computer Simulation Technology software (CST). The measurement result of return loss displayed mismatch at 5.22 GHz due to manual fabrication. This developed antenna may be applied for a number of wireless applications, including Wideband, Ultra-wideband, and 5G

    Face Classification Using Color Information

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    Color models are widely used in image recognition because they represent significant information. On the other hand, texture analysis techniques have been extensively used for facial feature extraction. In this paper; we extract discriminative features related to facial attributes by utilizing different color models and texture analysis techniques. Specifically, we propose novel methods for texture analysis to improve classification performance of race and gender. The proposed methods for texture analysis are based on Local Binary Pattern and its derivatives. These texture analysis methods are evaluated for six color models (hue, saturation and intensity value (HSV); L*a*b*; RGB; YCbCr; YIQ; YUV) to investigate the effect of each color model. Further, we configure two combinations of color channels to represent color information suitable for gender and race classification of face images. We perform experiments on publicly available face databases. Experimental results show that the proposed approaches are effective for the classification of gender and race

    Multi-label approach for human-face classification

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    Single-label classification models have been widely used for human-face classification. In this paper, we present a multi-label classification approach for human-face classification. Multi-label classification is more appropriate in the real world because a human-face can be associated with multiple labels. Demographic information can be derived and utilized along with facial expression in the field of face classification to assist with multi label classification. Gabor filters; Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) methods, are used to extract and project representative demographic information from facial images. For evaluation, five classification algorithms were used. We evaluate the proposed approach by performing experiments on Yale face images database. Results show the effectiveness of multi-label classification algorithms

    Using spectral indices to assess land degradation in the Wadi al-Muhamadi basin, west of Anbar, Iraq

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    Land degradation is characterized by the reduction and loss of biological and economic productive capacities of lands. It is a global phenomenon and often has adverse effects at the local level. This study is to assess the state of land degradation in the Wadi al-Muhamadi basin, west of Anbar. Using spectral evidence based on remote sensing data and the results of space data. To assess land degradation and vegetation cover changes in the valley basin, and spectral data (EMI - LDI - DBSI - SI - CI - NDVI) were used to calculate the values ​​of degradation within the lands of the basin. The results showed that the area of ​​barren lands is constantly increasing by 0.02, 52.61 and 42.57% For the study years sequentially. Area of ​​simple improvement with dense vegetation decreased by 0.12 and 0. 16 and 0.42% for the same years, respectively

    Gender Differences and Foreign Language Reading Anxiety of High School Learners in an Iraqi EFL Context

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    Over the past two decades Investigation of foreign language anxiety generally has progressively caught the attention of numerous investigators in the area of foreign language. Yet, anxiety variable that affects the students’ acquisition of particular language skills for instance, reading specifically have actually seldom been investigated in the context of EFL Arab learners in particular with Iraqi students. So, the study aimed to investigate the influence of anxiety variable towards reading comprehension of Iraqi high school learners. This study also sought to examine the gender differences towards reading language anxiety. Quantitative approach was applied in this research, which involved 20 Iraqi students of a high school in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The respondents comprised 10 males and 10 females with ages between 16 years and 18 years. This study made use of Foreign Language Reading Anxiety Scale (FLRAS). The results of the study showed that both male and female participants had a high level of anxiety towards the reading comprehension. Furthermore, the analysis revealed that gender played a slight role in the results of the study. Female students showed a slightly higher level of anxiety towards the reading comprehension than their male counterparts. Iraqi learners need to be exposed to the four skills of English language generally and the reading skill in particular. This exposure makes the learners aware of the four skills (Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking) that need to be acquired and also to decrease the rate of anxiety variable in addition to its influence on their performance